Central Tasks
In compliance with its vision and credo and as an independent culture and art forum, KulturAXE positions its terms of assignment into the context of contemporary art and the concept development of innovative projects.
Since 2003 a new priority area has been established in the synergy with experimental architecture and technology, and the development of mobile environments.
KulturAXE sees an important new challenge in the development and realization of innovative cultural concepts for sites of cultural heritage in CEE with the means of modern and user oriented architecture. The focus will be set on the creation of “Art and Knowledge Landscapes”.
Action Priorities
- Development and organization of transnational interdisciplinary projects in Austria and CEE (Arts, Culture, Architecture) involving European and extra-European cooperation
- Organization of symposia, workshops and conferences
- Elaboration of innovative cultural concepts for cultural heritage sites in CEE
- Creation of new representation spaces and environments for contemporary art and culture transmission processes
- Projects in urban planning (Cityscapes), projects in public space
- Intensifying of cultural relations with the focus on CEE and nations with travel restrictions
- Development of grant programmes for artists and students from CEE and nations with travel restrictions
- Further development and strengthening of the international art and culture network of KulturAXE with a focus on CEE
- Consultance and advice function (contacts to artists, cultural acteurs, institutions from the KulturAXE network) for events and programmes in Austria or CEE
- Development and deployment of information strategies in the transnational culture area
- Discourse and/or projects on priority issues of the transnational agenda of the 21st Century (Focus on: Mobility/borders, new cartographies, new nomadism, migration, centre/periphery, access to knowledge and information)
- Issuance of publications, videos and CD ROMs
Country Focus 1991-2021
Programme locations in:
Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Italy
Cooperations in Europe / Middle, East and Southeast Europe:
Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Germany, Italy, France
Extra-European nations:
South Africa, USA, China, Japan