Year of the Horse

Geschichten über Pferde, die Freiheit und den unbändigen Willen den eigenen Traum zu erfüllen, sei es noch so verrückt, und koste es auch das Leben…

Everything you always wanted to know about freedom *
But were afraid to do

Pia Arnström (S), „Tron/Paethon“
Paulina Semkowicz (PL), „Night Rider“

WILD HORSES Studiogalerie KulturAXE

1090 Wien, Sechsschimmelgasse 14

FR. 12.12.2014, 19 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer bis 31.01.2015

Punsch & Catering by the courtesy of Würstelstand LEO


1974 geboren in Sundsvall, Schweden
1997/2000-01 Kunstschule, Ålsta, Fränsta / S
1998-99 Privatunterricht in Malerei bei Prof. Georg Schubert, Chieming / D
2001-2006 Studium Malerei bei Prof A. Frohner und Prof C.L. Attersee,
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
2006 Diplom Malerei, Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien
2007 Nominierte Georg Eisler Kunstpreis Wien, BA-CA Kunstforum
Lebt und arbeitet in Wien


1980 geboren in Krakau, Polen
2002-2006 Studium Malerei, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Krakau / PL
2005 Studium Malerei, Fakultät der Bildenden Künste, Universität Porto / PT
2005-06: Stipendium Int. Kunstsymposium KulturAXE, Polen u. Ungarn
2006 Diplom Malerei mit Auszeichnung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Krakau / PL
2011-2013 Bühnenbild, postgraduate Studium, Akademie der BK, Krakau / PL
2014 Kandos Projects art residency, Kandos, Neuseeland u. Australien
Lebt und arbeitet in Krakau und Wien.

Nightrider – Paulina Semkowicz

All presented works are centered around the figure of my father, whose 15 years of life were devoted for his passion for horses.

One part is a video, Night Rider, which documents a horse-trip which my father took during one summer night in Kraków. He wanted to ride a horse from one end of the city to another. Unfortunately he didn’t manage because he had an accident in the middle of his trip – he fell from the horse and seriously injured his leg. This story reminds me of the polish uprisings in general and the polish revolutionary fighting for freedom, who is very brave but never manages to succeed. In the past nearly all uprisings against the opressors failed. This notorious failure is what we consider as something truly polish.

The second part of the works refers to a dream described by my father, whereby he describes a series of situations with his horse, that he had dreamt one evening. In his dream he travels bareback on the neck of his horse through a strange and overly green landscape. He discovers a small town where he cannot communicate with locals and finds himself far from home. This series of works are based upon his recollection through various mediums. Six photographs as except film stills from a video of my father grappling with his horse. Series of paintings of various dimensions that are based on the video work as well as other found material relating to the representation of horses. The wall supporting the works has been painted green that relates to the colour of a bronze patina as well as the colour used by the chinese to represent this year, 2014 being the year of the green horse.

Year of the Horse
Pia Arnström, Paulina Semkowicz