7 neighbouring nations in Middle- and Eastern Europe from Italy to Poland in cultural exchange
Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland
Caroline Fekete-Kaiser, KulturAXE,
transnational communication & art action, Vienna
Mag. Stella Avallone, Director,
Austrian Culture Forum, Milan
Austrian Culture Forum
Studio Lattuada, Milan
www.lattuadastudio.itAcademy of Fine Arts, Brera, Milan
December 2003
Opening: 10 December 2003, Milan
paesaggio di desiderio assembles artists and cultural acteurs from seven neighbouring nations in Middle- and Eastern Europe, – from Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland – to an exchange of ideas and mutual working process. The results will be presented in Milan in December 2003 and documented in a catalogue. The catalogue is to appear in form of a newspaper, which in addition to the representation of the artworks, also accompanies the processual character of the exchange and leaves enough space for background information, ideas and reflections.
paesaggio di desiderio is an open process, fostering communication, exchange of information and cooperation amongst artists and cultural acteurs from CEE nations. The exhibition is seen as part of this dynamic process, which has already begun and will continue by further generating possibilities of intercultural cooperation. A focus is also set on the participation and presentation of artist collectives and culture initiatives with bordercrossing and intercultural objectives. The invitation to the project participation arises from KulturAXE, as well as from partner institutions and the artists.
paesaggio di desiderio reflects inner landscapes by artworks on outer landscapes in a wide variety of arts and media. From the view of artists from different nations and generations, mental landscapes are confronted with real landscapes, approaching identity, difference and cultural stereotypes on an emotional and personal level. Therewith creating “landscapes of desire”, whose freedom consist in not being limited by national demarcation lines, and which are deeply rooted in the fields of emotion and personal perception of individual identity.
A project to the “culture of tolerance”:
György Konrád, Hungarian writer and peace award winner:
“The uniqueness of Europe consists in the large diversity of the individuals, the personal stories, views and achievements. Just this peculiarity is to be fostered by European culture politics: the diversity, the variety, the individualizing, the respect of the culture of personalities, and this in a well-balanced manner on the whole of Europe.”
The Austrian Culture Forum in Milan takes the occasion of the Italian EU Presidency (June-December 2003) for initiating a crossborder presentation project, therewith fostering the dialogue and cultural exchange in Middle- and Eastern Europe.
Michael Bielicky / CZ
Stano Buban / SK
Beata Ciunowicz / PL
Richard Fajnor / CZ
Jan Fekete / SK
Tiziana Felisi / I
Tamara Ferioli / I
Hannes Glaser / A
Gerda Gradwohl / A
Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid / SLO
Tamás Tibor Kaszás / H
Manuela Janz / A
Pawel Mendrek / PL
Rafak Milach / PL
Marco Pagliardi / I
Melissa Provezza / I
László László Révész / H
Nicola Salvatore / I
Raymundo Sesma / I/MEX
Miklós Surányi / H
Malgorzata Szandala / PL
Márta Zárdai / H
Ewa Zasada / PL